Hello fellow travelers,
I'm preparing for an upcoming cruise and tour, and I'm trying to make sense of the best settings for my phone while abroad. I've chosen Verizon's international plan, but I have several questions about managing my phone settings and understanding the plan's coverage, especially while on the ship.
Phone Settings While Cruising and Touring: Should I keep my data and roaming turned on? Is it necessary to turn off airplane mode while on the ship?
Verizon’s Cruise Plan vs. International Plan: The Verizon international plan is supposed to cover me while traveling, but I'm unsure why there's a separate cruise plan. Does anyone know the benefits of opting for the cruise plan over the international plan when traveling on a ship?
Understanding Data Usage:
Is GPS considered data usage? If yes, is it included in the international plan?
What exactly qualifies as 'data' usage under these plans?
I've received various answers from different Verizon representatives, which has added to my confusion. I would greatly appreciate insights or personal experiences regarding how to best manage phone settings and plan options while cruising and traveling internationally.
Thanks so much for your help!